The purpose of Title IX is to end discrimination on the basis of sex in education and applies to all programs and activities that receive federal funding.
Title IX encompasses many forms of sex-based discrimination, including, but not limited to addressing sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment), sexual violence (including sexual assault and domestic/dating/intimate partner violence), and stalking.
Title IX requires school districts to employ a Title IX Coordinator tasked with ensuring compliance and coordinating the investigative process. In addition, schools are required to have a published complaint resolution process that explains to a student, employee or third-party how to report an allegation of harassment or discrimination.
The Title IX Coordinator is the individual designated by the district to coordinate the district’s compliance with Title IX, including overseeing all sex discrimination complaints and identifying and addressing any patterns or systematic problems that arise during the review of such complaints. The Title IX Coordinator is also responsible for: determining whether the complaint allegations are prohibited sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual violence, or stalking; requesting a formal investigation; ensuring reports and complaints are handled properly in a prompt and timely manner; informing students, employees, and witnesses of their rights during a formal investigation and what campus and community support resources are available to them; confirming that all parties have been notified of the IOA’s conclusion and the right to, and procedures for, an appeal, if applicable; maintaining information and documentation related to the investigation in a secure manner, consistent with the district's obligations to disclose information as required by law.
The first step to the complaint resolution process is to contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Wolf Point School District has assigned Erin Loendorf, High School Counselor, as the Title IX Coordinator for the school district. She can be reached at 406-653-1200, ext. 406 or by email at eloendorf@wolfpoint.k12.mt.us.
Mrs. Loendorf has participated in the following trainings relating to Title IX responsibilities:
MTSBA Legal Primer-The New Title IX Regulations Back to School Legal Primer - The new Title IX Regulations (vimeo.com)
MTSBA: Title IX: Finding Clarity in Complexity
MTSBA: 2020 MTSBA Title IX Virtual Training: Session 1: Title IX Regulations and Role of the Title IX Coordinator TITLE IX TRAINING_1
MTSBA: 2020 MTSBA Title IX Virtual Training: Session 2: An Overview of Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures TITLE IX TRAINING_2
MTSBA: 2020 MTSBA Title IX Virtual Training: Session 3: The Investigative, Decision Making, and Appeal Process TITLE IX TRAINING_3